Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I'm Here :)

Alright ... I'm finally sitting down and doing this.

I'll start with the flight ... I basically slept the entire way, which is nothing less than a miracle. I actually sat next a guy who has been working at an international school in Thailand for 4 years, of course this information didn't come out until we were landing, as I was asleep most of the flight. In the Taiwan airport I was chatting with a man who was on his way to Thailand to teach at an international school as well. He then pointed out other people he had talked to who were going to be teaching as well, which was comforting.

When I arrived in Bangkok on Tuesday, I loaded my stuff into my shuttle. Despite not feeling jet lagged, per say, I was still feeling totally overwhelmed. So when I got to the hotel around 2:30pm, I walked down the street to the internet cafe to call home and check my emails. I then walked around a little, but quickly decided that I would resign early.

Before leaving the US, I had booked a tour for Wednesday morning. I thought I would be able to sleep until at least 7, but I woke up at 4:30 in the morning ... So while I wasn't feeling jet lagged the evening prior, I clearly wasn't quite so lucky. Fortunately I was able to turn on my iPod and watch the Office for a couple of hours, and met up with my tour guide at 8:30am. Cool thing about my tour: I was the only one on it .... Not-so-cool thing about my tour: I was the only one on it. I was really hoping that I would meet some people so that I wouldn't feel so alone in Bangkok, but hey, I got a private tour of three wats!

We went to Wat Pho first, home of the reclining Buddha. We then got onto our private shuttle and went to Wat Traimit, home of the golden Buddha (really cool story ... abridged version ... it was accidentally found about 50 years ago. The 3 meter tall Buddha had been covered in cement. When they tried to move it, the cement cracked and they found the 18k gold Buddha beneath.) Then we moved on to Wat Benchamabophit, which is a beautiful, newer temple made of marble. After that I was taken to a gem gallery ... ha ... beautiful, but I just wanted out.

When I was finished listening to how great Thai gems are, my tour guide was kind enough to take me to the MBK Mall to buy a phone. I was so overwhelmed with the chaos that I bought the first phone I was introduced to, and left as quickly as possible. I don't think I'm cut out for the whole "bargaining" thing, but I guess I'll just have to learn.

When I returned to my hotel, I decided that I really needed a 2 hour Thai massage :) So I got one. It's such a good deal it's impossible to resist (I'm not going to lie, I got another one this morning.) I went to dinner soon after my massage (I had Pad Thai, that rivaled Bean's ... But Bean, yours is still number one in my book, no joke. I had some for lunch today that didn't even come close to yours!)

Today, like I mentioned before, I got another 2 hour massage (I better not make a habit out of this), then walked to the Royal Palace. On my way there, a young girl stepped in my path and poured bird food into my hand ... I told her I didn't want any, but she just looked at me and said "In Thailand, it's free, it's good luck" ... I still tried to give it back to her, but she wouldn't take it. Before I knew it, there were two more people trying to give me bird feed ... I was surrounded!!! So I threw what was in my hand and tried to walk away. Then they all started telling me I needed to pay them (as if I didn't know that was coming ... I've been to TJ before, you can't fool me). So I caved and tried to give them 20 baht (about 60 cents) ... That wasn't enough ... At this point I'm getting fairly flustered and just want out of the situation, so stupid me gave each of them 100 baht, for a total of 300 baht surrendered (about 9 dollars). They kept harassing me, but I finally stood my ground and got away.

So I finally arrive at the Royal Palace, with only a 300 baht scar. It's 250 baht to go inside to see the palace and Wat Pra Kaeo, however I got there 5 minutes after they closed Wat Pra Kaeo for the day ... So I gave up and walked back. Perhaps tomorrow I will see the Royal Palace :) Just when I thought I was really fed up with Bangkok, I opened a map to make sure I was going the right way, and a man seemed to read my mind and say "Khao San Road is that way" and pointed me in the right direction.

The thing about Thailand so far, is that everyone (bird feed people aside) has been nothing but helpful and kind. I think I'm going to try to do another tour tomorrow to keep me busy ... Then Saturday it is off to Ban Phe. I definitely think I am ready to get out of Bangkok and meet some people. Everyone here seems to come in pairs, and it doesn't make for the most inviting atmosphere to just go introduce myself. I also think the crowds and smog might drive me crazy if I'm here too much longer ... Show me the beach!!!


Auntie Eileen said...

Hey Em!!! I think I'm the first one to comment! I love the pictures. You were able to be in quite a few! Good job! Glad you arrived safely, sorry about the bird people. Don't forget about chicken and bird flu. Auntie Cafra says no chicken! Happy adventures! Take care of yourself. Lots of love!!!!
Auntie Eileen

Anonymous said...

Glad that you made it there safely. Loved the story about the bird feed!