Saturday, December 15, 2007

Back to School, Back to School ☺

I can’t believe I’m actually caught up on here! I almost feel accomplished, except for the fact that so much happened this week.

Early Monday morning, Mike left. I was exhausted and tired, and I had to make a lesson plan for Tuesday, because I had to go back to work. So I slept half of my day away, then figured out my lesson. I was soooo nervous to go back. It was like my first day all over again.

Come Tuesday, I was still nervous … until I saw the kids. Ann and Rin (my co-teachers) had explained I was on vacation and I would be back, so they didn’t think I abandoned them (which was something I worried about). I didn’t think I had been there long enough for them to miss me all that much, but they were really excited to see me, which of course, made me feel really good. My students went away to girl/boy scout camp for the rest of the week, so I got to prepare my lessons for next week, and relax a little. I got home, and remembered how alone I feel when I’m there. After 2 weeks of having a companion, the loneliness hit hard.

I had been planning on returning home in mid-January, or earlier should I need to get home and be with my family. However, on Wednesday morning, I made the decision to come home earlier. The fact of the matter is that I can always come back to Thailand, but I can’t always get more time with grandpa. I have accomplished everything I came here to accomplish, and I am proud of all I have done. I have been a teacher, a mentor, a farang, a traveler, a student, an observer, a friend, a baby, and an adventurer. I have no regrets … and I cannot wait to get home! I was able to get a flight back for the 22nd, which means I’ll get to spend Christmas with my family. I will miss so much about Thailand, but I’m ready to be home.

On Thursday, I went to a new school to meet with a Thai English teacher (Bua) who needs some help with her teaching style. I had been there before to meet with her and watch one of her classes, but Thursday was to discuss how I could help. Since I am now leaving so soon, it was decided that I would teach her classes on Friday and she would observe and take notes. So Thursday evening was spent preparing 4 lesson plans for 4 classes I don’t know … which is much more challenging than for my own students.

I got the other school early on Friday, just in time to see the students lining up for what looked like a protest. It wasn’t a protest, but a PARADE! So I got to in the “parade” with them around the block of their school. Apparently they were handing out flyers about a measure the area will be voting on soon … I was just excited to be in a mini parade ☺ When we got back, I started teaching. My first class was P1 (about 1st grade). There were only 9 of them, so I figured it would be the easiest lesson ever … HA! Boy was I wrong. Those 6 year olds controlled me. I barely did my lesson at all, I just stood there laughing, as they all screamed “teacher teacher teacher!!!” I couldn’t keep up. After class, I worried that I wouldn’t be able to help Bua at all, but she and the other Thai teacher said I did great (I think they were just being nice). Next was P2 (2nd grade-ish), and there are only 5 students (remember my classes at Wat Pathumwanaram are 30 to 40 students per class and grades 7 to 9-ish). This lesson went much more smoothly … as did the other two classes (both classes of 15, grades 4 and 5-ish), so I do feel as though I was able to help a little. All in all, it was a really fun and different day.

Today (Saturday), I intended to get out of the apartment and see Jim Thompson’s house, as well as go to the Jim Thompson store for their big sale, but I got stuck on the computer downloading pictures. Tomorrow I will at least get to the sale! Next week I am teaching my students Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and getting ready to leave.

I will be staying with my parents in Eureka when I get back, probably substitute teaching until I have enough money to move and or when I figure out what exactly I should do next.

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