Saturday, December 15, 2007

Mike's Trip To Thailand!

To make this easier for me, I made a list of some of the things Mike and I did during his trip here with some fun/interesting details that I think shouldn’t be left out. Otherwise, I will have carpal tunnel syndrome before I finish. Oh yeah … And I have added pictures to my “living in Bangkok” album as well as pictures Mike and I took while he was here.

Loy Krathong: Krathongs are like little boats made of banana leaves folded into many shapes with candles, incense and flowers. On Loy Krathong, they put their Krathongs in the river and they are supposed to carry their sins away. One of my students brought me everything I needed to make a Krathong, and my other students contributed flowers and whatnot, so I was able to make a Krathong for Mike and I to put in the river, as he arrived on the day of Loy Krathong.

Ban Phe: Had to show him the stomping ground … or at least the “restaurant across the street”, which has moved, but is still as yummy as ever. We rented a motorbike for the day, which worked out quite well, aside from me burning my leg on the muffler (I’m calling it my Thai tattoo). We went to the National Park, TEFL, the Chinese Temple and ate lots of my favorite food.

Kayaking in Krabi: Lots of monkeys … A lot less vigorous than last time (no rain, and we went with the current instead of against it).

Cooking Course in Krabi: mmmmmm ☺

Rock Climbing in Railay: I had never rock climbed before, and my instructor wasn’t doing much instructing, so aside from falling within the first 5 minutes, I really enjoyed it. Mike was like Spiderman, he might have been better than our instructor. I only did a half day, spent the other half at the beach, while Mike climbed all day (my feet would have killed me … point shoes didn’t hurt as much as the rock climbing shoes!)

Muay Thai in Koh Phi Phi: There were no 13 year old knock outs this time ☺

Scuba Diving: HA! I wish I scuba dived. I was going to, but freaked out (claustrophobia and scuba don’t work well together)! I ended up doing some snorkeling, while Mike scuba-d. He saw all sorts of cool fish, and he even saw a turtle!!!

Trekked around Koh Phi Phi: We walked up what seemed like a bazillion stairs to a really cool view point, where I held some one’s baby while they made us fruit shakes. We continued on our trek, and met a crazy old man with a guest house on a cliff with a view … but a lot of mosquitoes.

Cliff Jumping & Snorkeling: For my Birthday, we went cliff jumping (into the sea of course). The highest jump I did was 40ft, but Mike did a 60ft jump! It didn’t look that high, but then I just kept waiting to hear him hit the water … That’s when I decided it was too high for me! Afterwards, we did some snorkeling, and I got to see some awesome coral reefs and fish … It was like being in one of the videos Cahill made me watch in Marine Biology ☺

Massages on the Beach: Mike had never gotten a massage before he got to Thailand. Can you believe that? Anyway, on my Birthday, we had foot massages in cabanas on the beach just after sunset. It was phenomenal.

Krabi Market: Lot’s of tasty food to try.

Night Market/Bazaar in Chiang Mai: I’m broke, but it’s still fun to look ☺

Kings Bday; It was his 80th Birthday, and a celebration the country has been counting down to for the entire year. They love their King. It’s amazing to see a Nation love their leader so much. He is the longest serving current head of state and the longest serving monarch in Thai history. He has done many wonderful things for his people. Long Live the King!

Cooking Course in Chiang Mai: I can’t get enough cooking courses. This one was a bit different, because it is on an organic farm, so we got to pick some of our own ingredients. I plan on starting a garden when I get home. I can’t afford all the ingredients I need, so I’m just gonna grow them!

Lanterns in Chiang Mai: On the King’s Bday, a bunch of people were lighting lanterns (which are like mini hot air balloons), so the sky was filled with floating light. It was beautiful. Mike and I tried to do one; we let go too soon and the lantern almost fell on someone’s head … which could have meant lighting their head on fire! We tried again, and our lantern survived ☺ After that we walked to the celebration “center” and watched the Prime Minister give a public address. I love how much the Thai people love their culture, their country, their King, everything … and I love watching them in the thick of it, like that night, cheering and smiling and taking pictures. This is definitely in my Top 5 memories of being here.

Elephant Trekking, Hiking to Waterfalls, White Water Rafting and Bamboo Rafting in Chiang Mai: It was a busy day! It was a long, dusty songteau ride to the elephant camp. We rode elephants, hiked to a waterfall, did a short white water rafting trip and then jumped onto bamboo rafts. I was expecting the bamboo rafts to be a bit more exciting, but I guess I can’t get thrown into sewer water too many times while I’m here.

Doi Suthep in Chiang Mai: Great view, great people watching.

Democracy Monument in Bangkok: It was in full swing for the King’s Birthday. Lights, water shows, and a ton of people. Mike and I spent quite a bit of our two evenings in Bangkok just people watching, talking and taking pictures.

Chatuchak Market in Bangkok: Mike needed souvenirs … I brought him to the Market … I have never been so exhausted in my life (OK that’s an exaggeration … but I was really tired). We spent 4 grueling hours bargaining, looking and walking.

Grand Palace in Bangkok: I hadn’t been to the Grand Palace yet, because the last time I tried was when I first got to Thailand and I got taken advantage of by the “bird feeders” … Who I saw on the way there! It was a Palace ☺ And the infamous Emerald Buddha was green, but much smaller than I was expecting. Nothing too exciting, but I’m glad I can say I saw it.

Wat Pho in Bangkok: I just love this place. I don’t really know why. Maybe because I get to put coins into alms bowls and it makes a cool noise ☺

To sum it up … It was an action packed wonderful 2 weeks, and I was very sad to see him go.

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